Ever felt overwhelmed by your past?  

Healing is a journey, not a destination. You have the strength within you to reclaim your life, just as I did.

SARAH Schulmann-Palmer

Start your resilient journey.

Overcoming Childhood Emotional Neglect

Have you sometimes felt overwhelmed, invisible, unheard, lacking in confidence and struggling with self-care? Traumatic experiences in our childhood affects our lives and relationships as adults.  My own journey wasn’t easy, but with each step I grew stronger and learned valuable lessons. 


Reclaim your confidence

Growing up, my self-worth was damaged by neglect. I felt like I didn’t deserve to speak up for myself. But I learned that confidence is a skill we can cultivate. Turn your past experiences into wisdom and use that wisdom to  start building your confidence today. 

Confidence Building

Develop self-trust by believing in yourself and your capabilities.


Build up resilience by understanding how to cope with criticism, rejection and failure.

Even Better Relationships

Set healthy boundaries so that you can protect your needs and desires.

Stress Management

Recognise your stress triggers and develop coping strategies.

What Is Childhood Emotional Neglect?

Are you living with the pain of childhood trauma? Do you feel like it’s holding you back from having the life and relationships that you deserve? Millions of adults are struggling with the legacy of a traumatic childhood – from feeling anxious and depressed to struggling in their relationships. But there is hope. You can take control of your life and reclaim your confidence and resilience – even after experiencing a difficult past.

Put the pain of your childhood behind you – become empowered and live with confidence.

With the right tools and guidance, anyone can learn how to heal from their trauma and move forward into a happier future. I’m here to give you those tools and guide you on your journey to recovery. My course provides guidance on how to overcome childhood emotional neglect, gain self-love, manage stress, build healthy relationships, practice self-care, and live with greater confidence than ever before. In my programme, I show you my personal real-life strategies that I have used. These strategies worked for me and changed my life. This course offers an opportunity for self-reflection,  growth, understanding and healing so that you can move on with your life.


Who Is Coaching for?

Perhaps you have lived through a traumatic childhood, and have struggled with emotional neglect as a child. Perhaps you have grown up with a parent suffering from mental illness, or a parent who drank too much, or as in my case, you lost a parent as a child.

You may feel hollow inside at times, there’s an empty gap inside that nobody can fill, and you don’t know why you feel like that. You sometimes feel that you don’t know yourself, or understand why you feel what you feel. You ask yourself “Why do I feel different from the others?” “Why do I feel this gap inside me?” “Why did I react they way I did to what someone said to me?” “Why do I find it difficult to express my feelings?” “Why do I find it difficult to talk about my childhood?” 

Based on my own childhood experiences, when I lost my mother and had to cope with it emotionally on my own, I created a system for overcoming childhood trauma. I share with you how I did it, and the tools I have used to recover. This system has worked for me. I recommend it!


What is The Process Like?

I believe that confidence doesn’t come from other people’s compliments or validation of us. It’s about how we feel about ourselves,  The most important part of being confident comes from liking, loving and praising ourselves. When we learn to accept ourselves just as we are, and silence the inner critical voice, then we are becoming confident. 

1. Grow Your Self-belief

Develop your belief and trust in yourself. Treat yourself with compassion and give your inner critic a new positive script that tells you that you are enough just as you are.

2. Build Up Resilience

We can learn not to be oversensitive to criticism, rejection and failure. Strengthen your self-motivation and determination, and bounce back during times of struggle.

3. Even Better relationships

Practice setting healthy boundaries so that you can protect your needs and desires. Build trust through better communication skills.

4. Stress Management

Recognise your stress triggers and develop coping strategies that will help you become calm and give you better focus.

5. Self-Care

Self-care is nurturing yourself and taking good care of your physical and mental health. Our psychology influences our biology, so it’s well worth showing yourself some love and care.

Online Coaching

Online Course: How I overcame my traumatic childhood circumstances and reversed the impact as an adult. My story.

This is an online-course in 4 modules with easy to follow videos in your own tempo, in the comfort of your home. I share my own personal, real-life experiences of how I grew up in traumatic circumstances as a child and teenager. I developed my own strategies first to survive and later to overcome my trauma. This course will inspire you to become more resilient and self-reflecting, grow your confidence and feel empowered – even after experiencing a difficult past.

More Details

I share my real-life experiences and explain how I managed to change the very challenging situations I was facing. Having been dependent on my father I took the first step to become independent from him at the age of 16. I had to become self-motivating and self-reliant, learn life skills by observing other people, learn to make decisions, keep myself safe and healthy.  Step by step I developed my strategies and built on them throughout my adulthood. It wasn’t a walk in the park but my strategies definitely worked. 

2 one-hour coaching sessions over 2 weeks

2 personal, 1-to-1, online live coaching sessions, one hour per week for two weeks.

More Details

Do you sometimes feel, in your daily life, at work, at home or socially, that your childhood is still making you feel different from everyone else around you, and that you don’t really like to talk about your childhood? If the answer is “Yes”, then with the help of my real-life experience, this short coaching session can be the thing that can help you start feeling free to talk about your childhood and stop feeling any shame or guilt about it.

Are you ready for the next step?

4 one-hour coaching sessions over 4 weeks

4 personal, 1-to-1, online live coaching sessions, one hour per week over four weeks.

More Details

In this longer coaching session we will go deeper into the subject of overcoming a traumatic childhood. An important part of the process is to get to know oneself better, our own likes, desires and needs, and learn to express our feelings in a calm manner, as opposed to slamming a door and go and sulk behind it for a long time, as I used to do for many years. It didn’t solve anything.

With the experience of my own childhood I will help you start feeling free to talk about your childhood, practice recognising and describing with words the feelings that you feel, and then expressing them. That has been a very powerful tool in my life.

Are you ready to give it a try? Take the next big step.


About Me

I’m Sarah, a self-taught life coach and experienced in personal growth. Growing up in traumatic circumstances as a child and teenager, I learned how to observe and understand the world around me, which enabled me to gain an insight into how to reverse the impact of childhood traumas as an adult. My mission is to help others who have gone through similar situations by teaching them skills in resilience, motivation and self-care. Through my online course I offer resources, advice and real-life examples from my own experiences which will help you gain the courage and strength you need to live your best life. With my support, you can turn your pain into power.

Ready to take the first step towards healing?


Since I started this new project I have had many encouraging and positive comments. People have said that it’s a well-needed message to send out to other people who, like myself, have suffered from parental emotional neglect, who have felt half-orphaned or abandoned, and still walk around with that empty hole inside them. These are the people I want to help and inspire.

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